Recent Custom Work:
- Announcing AffiliatesAffiliates is a bad term, anymore. Folks have made it that while playing their games. I only use it here to explain what I do – but understand, up front, I do things the way they’re supposed to be done. New Affiliates of my products earn 12% of every product they sell – period. Top Tier Affiliates earn 20% – period. Whatever item you want to list that is available on the site is available for you to offer your following – period. Transparency dictates that my intent is stated, and that is : my focus is and always has
- Shadow Boxes – Legit ones.It’s a curious thing to me… A person spends 20+ years in the military, sacrificing, serving, often raising a family while absent a lot of the time, providing for their family, often breaking themselves physically and mentally, and people – even those close to them – skimp out on likely the only presentation piece the servicemember will allow – their shadow box. Don’t get me wrong… There are a lot of guys making shadow boxes that have meaning – friends doing it for friends or family making them. Those have meaning that even mine can’t approximate, and if someone wants
- Catering and Serving FixturesCharcuterie cups are a thing, I’m told. I wouldn’t know for sure. I’m in the shop too much to have a clue what people are doing. The lady who needed this is a smart lady – she has business sense for days and weeks, and something I’m supremely jealous of her for. 🙂 She needed a couple items, and I thought it may be worth sharing if only to demonstrate the shops capabilities. First up is a charcuteries cup stand. charcuterie on kabobs, and using a cup to hold them allows for a great thing to serve where seating isn’t
- Medallions, by the score.Who among you would have ever guessed these hands would be making such a thing? They’re beautiful in their simplicity and as detailed as you’d like. From a simple logo to fine details can be made, because they’re primarily printed. The foundation is cast acrylic, though it be cast acrylic infused with steel chips. They are then carefully printed on thin vinyl coated brushed steel, and affixed to the acrylic – all by hand. After this process is complete, they are layered if that is what the design calls for, and then encapsulated in a resin which is UV resistant.
- US-Israeli Carved FlagDANG was I honored to do these! This was #1 from a total of 18, and which were shipped to Israel in support of a joint operation, and which are hanging in the offices of some pretty important people – and they chose ME to do it for them! The flag is created from soft maple, albeit the hardest soft maple I’ve ever worked with (that tree must have had a tough life?) and has insets of sapele. The rest is pretty obvious. It was an honor, ladies and gentlemen, and I appreciated the opportunity tremendously!
- Retail Fixture- Serving CartThe requirement is to create a cart that can be pushed around the restaurant / smoke house, and serve people. Patriotism is the theme, and the owner of this cart received it both as a ‘graduation’ (retirement) gift as well as a functional piece for his new endeavor. Now, he can load this cart up with all the needs for the table, and roll it out there- carve the order right in front of them and have all he needs to serve them properly- and with a helluva lotta style!
- Retail Fixture Saddle / Blanket Stand… this is a pretty neat gadget intended to showcase a family of items for retail. It turns out, it steals the show! Okay, but seriously- it brings attention to the items draped atop it- which are blankets, quilts, and throws. I guess the ‘trick’ is to showcase these things as if they’re in the home… the home, in this case, was meant to demonstrate “southwestern” flair. I think it turned out well, and the client thinks the same as they’re asking for more!

Shop news of note:
Date: March 3, 2025
Most products are being made and shipped as offered in the item description; custom items shipping with an additional (up to) 3 business days than stocked standard items, which head out almost as soon as I receive the order. If there is an expected delay I will reach out to you immediately and let you know not only why but the anticipated date it will leave the shop – this happens from time to time when orders surge.
As a reminder: When you make a purchase here you’re not dealing with a ‘man in the middle’ print shop or a reseller… You’re dealing with THE manufacturer of every item listed here. When you call, email, message through social media or even walk in the door, you’re speaking with the guy typing this and the guy doing the work, Your contribution feeds a family and three dogs, and spends in the local community where it should- doing the same for others as they and you have done for me. Thank you for the opportunity you’ve afforded me to live and work in this manner – doing it right and trying to pass it on.
As always, I absolutely appreciate your business and hope to see you soon!
Thank You and Have a Good Day,