Retail Fixtures

Catering and Serving Fixtures

charcuterie cup rack

Charcuterie cups are a thing, I’m told. I wouldn’t know for sure. I’m in the shop too much to have a clue what people are doing. The lady who needed this is a smart lady – she has business sense for days and weeks, and something I’m supremely jealous of her for. 🙂

She needed a couple items, and I thought it may be worth sharing if only to demonstrate the shops capabilities.

First up is a charcuteries cup stand. charcuterie on kabobs, and using a cup to hold them allows for a great thing to serve where seating isn’t abundant. This was made with effort to keep it simple and most important portable. She can use it, then pop it apart for transport- and then reuse it whenever it’s needed. Like I said – she’s smart. She also painted them and will repaint them to suit the themes it finds itself. Did I tell you she was smart?

charcuterie cup rack
charcuterie cup rack

Next up is a self serve topping station. The need for this was to allow vacuum capped containers she already had to fit into it without passing through. The containers are/were slightly tapered which made it easier, but I hedged my bet by adding my own taper within the cuts. They rest snuggly and securely, and require some effort to remove- which is just what she needed. She also needed the basin to hold the base item, or that which would be adorned with the selection within the vacuum containers.

I laid it out on the cnc and cut it right out, taking no time and providing precision cuts that fit just right. The surface is an inch thick synthetic material which has a channel cut into its underside which the sides slip about half an inch into- making it silly strong and durable.

She also painted this to suit, and will continue to repaint it as needed. It is just as easy to store as the charcuterie cup racks. … a big win.

self serving topping station
self serving topping station
self serve topping sation

…notice the adjustable shelf and pins – an added little touch that gives plenty of storage area for items needed to support this thing out in the wilds.

If you need a retail fixture such as either these charcuterie cup racks or a self serve topping station, just drop me a line. B2B is my lifeline and interest – we keep communities and small businesses rolling!

Thanks for your time!