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Shadow Boxes – Legit ones.

Custom Shadow Box

It’s a curious thing to me… A person spends 20+ years in the military, sacrificing, serving, often raising a family while absent a lot of the time, providing for their family, often breaking themselves physically and mentally, and people – even those close to them – skimp out on likely the only presentation piece the servicemember will allow – their shadow box.

Don’t get me wrong… There are a lot of guys making shadow boxes that have meaning – friends doing it for friends or family making them. Those have meaning that even mine can’t approximate, and if someone wants to do this I’ll support them as best I can by offering tips, tricks, material lists – and even plans. However, for those that just buy the shadow box, that is kinda a shot across the retiring servicemember’s bow.

Custom Shadow Box

(note: I DO offer ‘kits’ allowing folks all they’ll need to make a box duplicate to any of mine, which allows them to take part much like making one from scratch and with the same meaning.)


A few things to know about my Shadow Boxes:

  • They are made with the finest quality material found.
  • They DO NOT require butchering a uniform; It fits into the case and could, conceivably, be removed and worn.
  • They are not toys – they are museum quality and I can say that NOT as hyperbole, as there is at least one of mine found in that very setting, as well as in offices of some names you’d recognize.
  • No, they are not monetarily ‘cheap’, but I offer them as inexpensively as I can.
  • These are HEIRLOOM quality pieces – they’re generational – grandkids can show their grandkids of their great great grandfathers exploits, and live on.
  • These are something I take great pride in making, and because I want the recipient to be just as proud of them as I am.
  • Each Shadow Box is built for the recipient using similar framework. For instance, each medallion (top center adornment) is different and usually representative of the recipients most memorable, favorite, or most memory provocative duty station.
  • Each is made to size- A uniform coat will never be ‘crammed’ in or have lots of empty space around it. It’s built around the build, so to speak.
Custom Shadow Box

If you’re in need of a shadow box of the quality I make them, please drop me a line. The only way anyone is going to know this is if they have read this far, and that is: My prices aren’t as steep as shown here. The prices are shown in that manner to stiff arm anyone who isn’t serious about what they’re doing. The only time one has reached that price is when it had to be shipped halfway across the country, and believe me when I say “the shipper made more than I did”.

Oh, that^ brings me to this: These are substantial pieces. They weigh in well over a hundred pounds. They ‘can’ be set on a table and remain stable, but they’re generally hung- and for that you’re going to need to secure it to a wall stud (or two). I make and have sent several out the door with bolts, and have sent several out the door with french cleats- which basically entails attaching a hanger to the wall (a small board) which has a 45 degree cut down its length with the shorter side of the 45 toward the wall, and a matching cleat on the back of the shadow box which carries the weight of the box with ease.

The height and width are both over 40 inches, most often 46″ wide by 42″ tall, or somewhere close to that… The overall dimensions are based on the size of the uniform coat that’s usually hanging in them. We want it to look as it is- custom made to fit. Generally, there is at least two inches behind the lens in the smaller more shallow compartments, and up to 5 inches for the deeper ones. The shelves on the side are functional- carrying substantial weight if needed, and extra/added space for memorabilia.

Custom Shadow Box

The LED picture frame is a modern touch and brought on by a client who couldn’t decide who’s picture rated passage into his shadow box and who’s didn’t – and he didn’t want to offend any of his battle buddies… So… We figured it out by using a wifi 11″ picture frame which allows him something like 2k pictures to rotate through. I liked it so much I offer them on all of these and it’s more rare I don’t send them out with one that it is with them.

If you have want or need for one of my Shadow boxes, please drop me a line. We’ll make it happen!

Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box
Custom Shadow Box