I was approached and commissioned to create a table from genuine mahogany that measures at least 30″ and no more than 36″ in diameter and that depicts the device of a MARSOC unit I’ve never heard of before. I had to design and implement the device in proper proportions, but it was a success. Getting
Tall Tales and Other Stuff:
CNC Acrylic+Graphite
Acrylic is well documented for most CNC users. Graphite is a little different, but not much different than other fiberous synthetic material- and the graphite layer is really thin anyway which makes this more about cnc milling fiberglass and resin more than anything else. That embedded sheet of acrylic makes this different, though. Fountain Power
CNC Milling Corafoam/HDU
Corafoam is a licensed name for a high quality HDU that is incredibly consistent.. For us that mill, this means there are no grains to consider, there is absolute density throughout, and it carves like nothing you’ve ever carved before…. In a GREAT way. I set out to make this sign for a gentleman and
Inlays on Heirloom Tables
I don’t know how old this table is, but I can tell you it went into service for a family more than 60 years ago. I won’t bother with making it sound like it’s some sort of spectacular specimen of craftsmanship because it’s not really- it’s just a table and of the sort that was
KD Decor
KD Decor is a partner with Shop210Craftworks and are a married couple with MADD Skills… They represent the disabled veteran crafter community with impeccable products and though they can create just about anything they choose, they specialize in resin and beach/ocean themed items. They have created and entered into a “purchase to enter” with a
CNC’s and Lasers, Good Times!
I had a difficult time choosing between a laser or a mill when it came to blending my interests in woodworking and computers… I mean, a REAL hard time. Both have major advantages over the other, and both have limitations the other doesn’t. It’s quite the decision for a small time operation in terms of